Reconnect: Practices to Reconnect with Yourself on a Deeper Level

For lawyers who want to connect to themselves more deeply. In this course, I share teachings and practices to help you reconnect more intimately with yourself and your own spirituality no matter what religion you subscribe to.

There's no dogma here. I'm giving you tools to evolve your consciousness that have worked for me.

These 6 sessions focus on:

  • Personal power. You're already connected. We just need to release old structure and clear the noise of everyday life to see it more clearly.
  • Journaling for mind management.
  • Becoming Present. I share my experiences with learning to become more present in my day-to-day life and give you practices to do the same no matter how much time you have.
  • Dreamtime. You'll learn how to begin interpreting your dreams to help you evolve yourself faster. If you have a difficult time remembering your dreams, I'll give you tips I've used to help.
  • Symbols and Medicine cards. Our planet's rich history of symbolism will help you connect more with your dreams and dive deeper into who you want to be in the world.

This course is currently in progress, and you'll be able to attend live sessions through May 12, 2024 on Sundays at 1pm Pacific. Replays will be posted after our live sessions.

$127.00 USD